At first these chords may seem a bit difficult, especially the Dsus2. Keep on them. Make sure your third finger is up and over the first string. You can't let it touch the first string at all or you won't get any sound out if it. The main part of the song will call for you to be able to get the D, Dsus2, and Dsus4 all ringing out perfectly.
Can you take your second finger off the first string and hear it open. You will need to be able to do this. This gives you a Dsus 2chord. (Asus2 for the picky people). Now can you put your pinky on the first string, same fret as your third finger? This gives you a Dsus4 chords. You will need to be able to do this one as well.
To finish up this part, practice playing individual strings and getting all the notes to ring. If you can do this, then you will be ready to move on to the song.
In Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles, we get to hear George Harrison at his best. This is a classic and one of the best acoustic guitar songs to be learned. If you can play an open D chord, then you should be able to play the biggest part of the song. You will need a capo and put it on the 7th fret.
Put your capo on the 7th fret and play a D chord. Right away this should remind you of the tune. It's such a beautiful chords played there. By the way, this is now an A chord because we are playing it way up here. But for ease and lack of confusion we are going to refer to it as D in this lesson.
Acoustic Guitar Lesson - Here Comes the Sun - Part 1
As learning all songs, you should have a recording of Here Comes The Sun. This will help you out with all the phrasing and the arrangement of the song. It's important that you don't skip this part. Don't cut corners with your acoustic guitar playing. Lots of people do skip this part, but don't be one of them! Rise above friends. Ok moving on.
Paul Celly writes for ckoMusic. Make your guitar practice way more productive with ckoMusic guitar backing tracks and lessons.
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